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Friday, April 27, 2012

The Avengers (The Avengers) Marvel's Greatest Heroes

The Avengers (The Avengers) , the film brings together some of Marvel's greatest heroes, have enough material to write a thesis. But, rest, I want to be brief. 
In 2008, the film  "Iron Man"  presented to the general public as Iron Man , brilliantly played by Robert Downey Jr. At the end of the film is given the first clue to the existence of a larger movie universe, Tony Stark, Man Iron is invited by Nick Fury (SHIELD Director) to join the Avengers Initiative . In the same year he released a new version of  "The Incredible Hulk" , which is interconnected with the "Iron Man" through a special scene. The next few films ever have a stronger connection to SHIELD, setting the stage for this "Avengers".  
In the sequel " Iron Man 2 "(2010) we are introduced to the Black Widow in " Captain America "(2011) met the Captain America and the "Cosmic Cube". And finally, in the movie " Thor ", besides the God of Thunder, Hawkeye has a quick cameo, and more importantly, the villain Loki , the capricious and unstable half-brother of Thor .
Early in the film Loki returns from the depths of space, more powerful and desirous of revenge, stealing the "Cosmic Cube" to prepare for the invasion of Earth by extraterrestrial allies: the Chitari . When the SHIELD realizes the magnitude of the threat, quickly tries to recruit the heroes to work together and stop Loki. But the personalities and conflicting objectives will hinder the task ...


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