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Friday, April 27, 2012

Ben Kingsley Is Cast As A Villain In IRON MAN 3

The forthcoming IRON MAN 3 is shaped up to be an interesting sequel than - ahem - the heavily-criticized IRON MAN 2 (2010). Apart from a fascinating director-of-choice (Shane Black, replacing Jon Favreau), a fascinating actor has been cast as a villain and that is none others than Ben Kingsley! I know a lot of die-hard fans have been speculating that they will be finally seeing Iron Man's archenemy, The Mandarin, which is ironically, Ben Kingsley certainly looks the part. However, Kingsley is not going to play that iconic villain after all. Instead Kingsley's character is involved in the spread of a virus through nanobots, given that IRON MAN 3 is loosely based on Warren Ellis' six-issue Extremis comic-book series first published in 2005.


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