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Friday, April 27, 2012

Is Robert Rodriguez's SIN CITY Sequel Finally to Go?

It's been a long while ever since Robert Rodriguez promised a legion of die-hard fans that a sequel to the well-received SIN CITY (2005) will be coming soon. Well, for the past 7 years, he's been holding out that promise every now and then but till now he hasn't find time to develop the long-gestating project.

But there might be hope for that sequel anyway, as Dimension Films has announced that FRANK MILLER'S SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR -- the new official title -- is now scheduled to start production shortly. However, the studio doesn't indicate any specific dates for the production. As for now, the story is being kept under wraps and it's unclear whether the sequel will be following the same multiple storytelling template just like the first movie. Still that Frank Miller's story A Dame To Kill For does centers on Dwight McCarthy (Clive Owen, who played the role in the original) who finds himself in a deep trouble when an ex-flame named Ava contacts him and claims that someone is looking to kill her. Casting will begins next week and it's highly likely that actors from the first movie will return to reprise their respective roles. Here's what Rodriguez had to say about the long-gestating sequel.

The first question I am always asked is "When will you make another Sin City? I have wanted to re-team with Frank Miller and return to the world he created since the day we wrapped the original, but have felt a duty to the fans to wait until we had something truly exceptional that would meet and exceed what have become epic expectations. A Dame To Kill For will certainly be worth the wait.

Let's hope all this 7 years wait for the sequel is really worth it...


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